Practicing Physicians of any Specialty are those Physicians (either M.D. or D.O.) who agree with our mission statement and support AAPLOG with annual dues and donations.
You will receive the following benefits:
All Practice Bulletins and Committee Opinions
Access to view or list classified ad for your practice for other members to see
Free access to live and enduring CME talks and credits
Voluntary listing in online public Find a Physician or Other Medical Professionals directory (option to opt in). This allows patients to be able to find a prolife physician near them (the MOST visited page on our website!)
Free attendance at regional networking and training events
Free participation in virtual journal clubs
Inclusion in specialty social media closed groups
Discounted registration for annual Matthew Bulfin Education Conference (MBEC)
10% off merchandise (includes patient education brochures)
Includes free digital subscription to Issues in Law and Medicine
International members are welcome. Membership fees are based on the World Bank's country classifications by income. For the high- and middle-income countries, the same USD fee applies. See: World Bank country classifications by income level for 2024-2025 or CLASS.xlsx. For lower income countries, no fee required, and please sign up here.
Thank you for supporting AAPLOG and for choosing life!
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